Take a Look Out of the Window
Using paperless work instructions, no matter how clear they may be, will always benefit from having the opportunity to interact in three dimensions with the assembly that you are making.

Filling the Skills Gap - New Generation Workers
Resident experts are said to be leaving manufacturing companies at an alarming rate, with the “grey tsunami” fueled by opportunities taken during the disruption during the pandemic. This loss of skill and experience need not be an issue, but more an opportunity, let’s embrace the change together.

Augmented Reality Delivers Compelling ROI
Investing in the latest technology, even before it is considered "state of the art," can be super expensive, making it an impractical investment for most business-driven ROI (Return on Objective) analyses. Conversely, what appears to be the less talked about, easier, and more practical aspect of Augmented Reality is already assisting millions of us daily, which now extends into everyday manufacturing.

The Path to a Paperless Shop Floor
Paper-based processes can no longer keep up with real-time demands or scale with changing business requirements. When manufacturers use manual, paper-based systems, human error, and poor data integrity permeate all business areas. For this reason, and many others, Best-In-Class manufacturers, are increasingly turning to digital solutions.