The Path to a Paperless Shop Floor
Paper-based processes can no longer keep up with real-time demands or scale with changing business requirements. When manufacturers use manual, paper-based systems, human error, and poor data integrity permeate all business areas. For this reason, and many others, Best-In-Class manufacturers, are increasingly turning to digital solutions.

The Future of the Paperless Factory
Eliminating paper in manufacturing, also known as the Smart Factory or Industry 4.0, is just the first step of the digital revolution.

The Ever Greener Grass of SMT Manufacturing
What we think we know is a less dynamic concept than actual reality. Many things progress so quickly, that we simply cannot keep up any longer. How do we know whether the grass is really greener on the other side?

Reasons to go Paperless: Much More than Just Digitizing Documents
People’s perception of what constitutes the paperless shop floor may vary from individual to individual and indeed from company to company.

Benefits of Going Paperless at Work: Paperless Enlightenment
The benefits of going paperless are many, including reductions in costs in terms of print consumables, people’s time and waste due to errors.

Why a Paperless Factory Benefits Everyone
We all know that for any change to be successful everyone must benefit. Nowhere is this truer than in the change to a paperless factory floor environment.