Artificial Intelligence's Role in Manufacturing: The Aegis Perspective
Artificial Intelligence has entered the mainstream consciousness through the abstract discussions and concerns among folks like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg regarding future risks, advertisements that put forward an image of AI capability that evokes science fiction, and the increasing rate of movies exploring AI in robots that often end badly for their human progenitors. All of this has resulted in a flawed public perception of the actual state of AI.

What is Artificial Intelligence?
Many people are confused by the term “Artificial Intelligence” or “AI”. Touted as part of Industry 4.0, yet it is also linked with the threat of using automation instead of human workers. AI is not hardware but in fact software and not the end to civilization as often portrayed by Hollywood.

Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence In Industrial Operations
By now, we are all familiar with the concept of Industry 4.0, a popular business model that enables manufacturers to become faster, more efficient, and more flexible to respond to inevitable market changes.