Publications & Media

Philip Stoten, Eric Miscol, Michael Ford & Raveev Bhalla
The Virtual Eric Miscoll Show (The EMS) – Digital Transformation Special

Eric Miscoll and Philip Stoten welcome guests Rajeev Bhalla of Clip Automation and Michael Ford of Aegis Software to continue the increasingly compelling conversation around digital transformation sparked by COVID-19.

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Stop watch on top of a barcode
Trust in Time

In this I-Connect007 article, Aegis Software Corporation's Michael Ford, discusses how manufacturers can mitigate any supply chain disruption and always trust that all required materials needed to complete a production job on time, are/will be available.

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DNA with blue background
Thinking Inside The Tube

In this EMSNOW article, Aegis Software Corporation's Michael Ford provides a thought provoking opinion piece where he imagines what the post-COVID-19 global electronics manufacturing industry will look like. Terms such as "making to order", configuring to order", engineering to order" and "automate to order" are all values that should feature at the top of the list of "must haves" when it comes to your next manufacturing solution.

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Jason Spera
Aegis’ Unique Differentiation, COVID-19, and a Look Ahead for Aegis and the Manufacturing Industry

In this video interview with's Sanjay Gangal, Aegis Softare Corporation's CEO, Jason Spera, discusses Aegis' unique differentiation, COVID-19, and a look ahead for Aegis and the manufacturing industry.

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Computer monitor with dashboards
What The OEE Is The Point Anymore?

In this Global SMT & Packaging article, Aegis Software's Corporation's Michael Ford discusses some home-truths about OEE and IIoT contextualization.

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image of Industry 4.0 article with Michael Ford
The IPC CFX Standard as it Applies to Reflow Soldering

This i4.0 Today article: featuring Marc Pep, Heller Industries and Aegis Software Corporation's Michael Ford focuses on CFX as it applies to Reflow soldering , including adaption, integration, connectivity, messaging and the values that can be made available through CFX.

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automated manufacturing plant
It’s Not What You Have It’s How You Use It

In this I-Connect007 article, Aegis Software Corporations' Michael Ford discusses how gathering data from around the factory is just the first step towards making digital solutions work for the betterment of manufacturing. To get to the next level, you have to take more than just one step.

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Jason Spera EMSNow Interview
Requirements of Leadership in Crisis Times

In response to the covid lockdown, and as part of a series of interviews with C-Suite leaders from the EMS Industry, EMSNow host, writer & journalist, Philip Stoten joins our CEO, Jason Spera. They discuss the requirements of leadership in crisis times, what the post-Covid19 electronics manufacturing world will look like, and how digitalization enables the kind of flexibility and resilience demanded during the uncertain times.

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Maunfacturing worker using augmented reality to assist assembly process
Seeing Around Corners

In this I-Connect007 article, Aegis Software Corporation's Michael Ford discusses the IPC Digital Twin standard. He povides examples of this standard and how it sets out the top-down hierarchical structure, through which applications can identify and communicate active and useful elements of digital twin data, in any depth of detail, using standard formats.

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